This is patent medicine revenues used from 1883 to 1898. There was 1% tax on packages and bottles with phamaceutical medicies. The revenues has the same arabesque in the top corners of all values. The center shows the chrysantemum symbol. The values are shown with both Japanese and English numbers.
NOTE These revenues can look like document revenues.

Values 1 rin, 2 rin, 3 rin, 5 rin

Values 1 sen, 2 sen, 5 sen, 10 sen
The series is perforated from 9.5 to 14 and imperforated. The series from 1883 were imperforated. The series from 1886 were perforated 12-13. The series from 1890 were imperforated. The series from 1883 is also found prited on a band (not shown here).The series consists of:
- 1 rin gray
- 2 rin light blue
- 3 rin yellow
- 5 rin brown
- 1 sen red brown
- 2 sen green
- 3 sen dark blue
- 4 sen orange
- 5 sen blue
- 10 sen vermilion
Shimomura 2003 page 19-20
Furuya 2011 page 59-62