Japanese revenue stamps can make an interesting collection. It is typical to find revenue stamps in old collections and on tourist sheets sold to visitors that did not know the difference between the postage stamps and the revenue stamps. I have given most information on old revenues. For most revenues from before 1945 is the chrysanthemum crest (symbol of the emperor) part of the design. This symbol is found on both postage stamps and revenue stamps.
Many stamps you can not find in the stamp catalogue are revenues.

Example of revenue stamps found in collections. These are hand-engraved document revenues from 1873.
This is not a revenue catalog with all types. But you can identify many types that are often found in collections. If you are interested in further information and other types you have to go the Japanese Revenue Catalogue where most text is written in Japanese. Only short information is given in English. SSJP has revenue catalogues. The catalogue with most types is: Shimomura: Standard Catalogue of the Japanese Revenue Stamps, Tokyo 2003. The newest is Furuya:
Narumis Japanese Fiscal Stamp Catalogue 2011 (5th edition)
The pages with revenues include scans of the revenues. Most examples are from before 1945, as this is the most interesting period. The pictures are not always in the exact same scale, so you can not measure on the pictures. You have in most cases a list of the values and colors of the different stamps in the series. This makes it easier to identify if you also look at the pictures where the values are given from left to right below the picture. Many revenues is found
in imperforate and with different perforations that you have to find in the catalogue. On each page I will give information on the page in Shimomura 2003 and from Fukuya 2011. The list below is in the same order as the Shimonura catalogue.
A new Fukuya catalogue is from 2016.