This is registration tax revenues "toki inshi" from 1888 to 1898. The motive is a woven circular wheel in Japanese "kuruma". The values are given in both Japanese and English numbers. There is two high values with portraits of famous Japanese. 10 yen Wake no Kiyomaro (733-799), who laid out the Heian-kyo (today Kyoto). 50 yen is Takenouchi no Sukune, who should have lived 280 years and is a Shinto kami.

Values 5 rin, 1 sen, 2 sen 5 rin, 3 sen, 5 sen, 10 sen

Values 50 sen, 1 yen, 5 yen

Imperforated values 1 sen, 5 sen, 10 sen, 1 yen
Is found perforated from 9 to 13 and imperforated. Examples of diffenrent perforations and cancels are seen below. The blue and brown color of the revenues shows large variations. They can be divided in 2 color types light and dark .The series consists of:
- 1 rin green
- 5 rin green
- 1 sen brown
- 2 sen 5 rin brown
- 3 sen brown
- 5 sen brown
- 10 sen brown
- 50 sen brown
- 1 yen blue
- 2 yen blue
- 5 yen blue
- 10 yen red - portrait
- 50 yen red - portrait
Shimomura 2003 page 22-23
Furuya 2011 page 64-66